Maintenance & Tools

6 Ways To Seal Your House For Winter

Air leaks can raise your home energy bills by as much as 30 percent. Having a “leaky”...

Weatherizing For Less Than $150

Weatherizing your house improves the likelihood of maintaining a steady temperature inside...

Is Tile Reglazing A Good Option?

We love do-it-yourself home projects. We also love recycling and repurposing products. Therefore,...

How Humidity Can Damage Your Home

Humidity doesn’t just make you uncomfortable. It also causes problems and health hazards...

Landscaping: Wheelbarrow Types And Wheelbarrow Tires

A wheelbarrow is a valuable asset to any gardener, and having the right one with the right...

Your Sidewalk And Your Home Insurance

Repairing sidewalk cracks and clearing snow and ice from your sidewalk isn’t just neighborly....

Painting: Choosing A Paint Scraper

When it comes to a good paint job, nothing will improve the quality of the finished product...

Spring Chimney Maintenance

As the heating season winds down, a quick spring maintenance check of your chimney can have...