Maintenance & Tools

5 Behind-the-Scenes Parts Of Your Bathroom You Should Know About

Bathrooms are pretty complicated little rooms and are subject to more than their fair share...

So Your Basement Is Flooded...

Time is of the essence, so we’ll get right down to business. The first thing you have to...

Fixing A Broken Window Pane

Windows these days can be pretty high tech. It is not uncommon to see double and even triple...

What Is The Cold Weather Doing To Your Paint?

Winter’s frigid cold weather may be literally peeling the paint off your house. And unless...

How To Safely Clear Snow Off A Roof

The easiest way to clear snow off a roof is to wait for spring. The second-easiest method is...

15 Old Tools That Are Better Than New

When I was growing up I spent hours exploring the nooks and crannies of my grandfather’s...

How To Protect Your Home From Mudslides

In the first 18 days of 2011, mudslides shut down highways and threatened homes in California,...

What Not To Renovate In 2011

There are lots of great ideas available regarding good renovation suggestions. For example,...