Maintenance & Tools

How Much Should A Handyman Charge Per Hour?

Black and white photo of hammers by tiffa130/Flickr. How much will a local handyman near...

Hiring A Handyman For Minor Home Repair

Photo of a cat looking at a handyman by eye of einstein/Flickr. Need some small repairs...

Burglar-proofing Your Door And Doorframe

Unlike the elaborate tunneling operations of bank heist movies, most home burglars in real...

Myths And Facts About Snow And Your Home

1. MYTH: The icicles hanging from the roof are so pretty! FACT: Besides the fact that when...

DIY Home Winterizing In 4 Easy Steps

Whether you own a home or are renting, chances are you're already aware of the expenses involved...

Seal Your Ducts To Save Energy

By now, you’ve probably heard that sealing the ductwork for your forced-air heating (and...

Mold Growth In The Garage

As you probably know, mold tends to pop up anywhere. You can find it on last week’s loaf...

4 Reasons Why Your Damp House Is Wrecking Your Health

A little leak isn't something to ignore. Whether the leakage is coming from a hole in your...