Maintenance & Tools

A Green Contractor Talks Bathroom Mold

The last thing that you want to deal with when buying, selling or living in a house is mold,...

Making Stairs And Railings Child-Safe

I just returned from a vacation house where my one-year-old was far more infatuated with the...

Hardware Store Etiquette

Something about hardware stores causes us to change our behavior. Perhaps it’s the lack...

Landscaping: Wheelbarrow Types And Wheelbarrow Tires

A wheelbarrow is a valuable asset to any gardener, and having the right one with the right...

Cleaning: Do You Know Your Vacuum Cleaner Attachments?

Most vacuum cleaner attachments spend more time collecting dust than removing it. And that's...

Keeping Spring Allergens Out Of The House

Spring can be a season of nightmares for the estimated 50 million American allergy sufferers....

Spring Chimney Maintenance

As the heating season winds down, a quick spring maintenance check of your chimney can have...

Soundproofing For A Better Night's Sleep

I once rented a central Denver apartment where the main bedroom had big, old windows overlooking...